UNIT Studios celebrated the end of summer in style with their Hawaiian themed Summer Staff Party

What better way to end the summer holidays than with our UNIT Hawaiian Summer Party. The weather didn’t quite match up to that of the bank holiday weekend, but we soon warmed up with a few cocktails and some shameful dance moves.
Following the move earlier in the year to our new building at 10 Berners Mews, a singalong was definitely well deserved, after all the hard work put in by our wonderful team over the past few months.
Along with a good laugh, some new talent was discovered, with our UNIT 2019 Karaoke award going to Semley Wilkinson. The competition was strong, but Sem brought home the gold with her rendition of Cher’s ‘If I Could Turn Back Time’.
The florals were out, the alcohol was flowing and the karaoke machine was well and truly abused.
Halloween preparation is already underway – we do love a good excuse for fancy dress.