
UNIT delivers grade and post-production on VRBO ‘Summer Break’ campaign directed by Outsider’s Tom Day & created by Crispin Porter & Bogusky Boulder, Colorado

UNIT recently collaborated with creative stateside agency Crispin Porter & Bokusky in Boulder Colorado to deliver the grade, VFX and online on the latest VRBO campaign directed by Outsider’s Tom Day.

With summer holidays underway, the Summer Break campaign shot on location in Cornwall consists of a variety of spots for the UK, French and German markets.  The UK version of ‘Same House’ showcases a rental destination on a beach location whilst ‘Hide & Seek’ has more of a countryside theme.  

The lovely soft hues created by UNIT’s Head of Colour Denny Cooper, are reminiscent of fun hazy carefree days on holiday with your family, enjoying playful times and making happy memories with the ones with love…. Just what the doctor ordered after a very challenging year.  

These charming and well craft films were directed by Tom Day and produced through Outsider London.

The campaign is set for both broadcast and online

View Same House here (UK)

View Hide & Seek here (UK) 



Creative Agency: Crispin Porter & Bogusky Boulder, Colorado

Creative Director & Copywriter: Lee Hempstock

Producer: Masha Manojlovic

Assistant Producer: Victoria Robinson

Account Manager: Ben Weber

Production Company: Outsider London

Director:  Tom Day

Producer: Tex Travi

DoP: Miles Alltoft

1st AD: Tom Kelly

Offline editor: Kevin Palmer @Love Edit

Sound engineer: Adam Smyth @String & Tins

Sound producer: Eimear Ní Ghuaire

Post House: UNIT

Colourist: Denny Cooper

2D:  Fraser Cleland, Rob Ellis & Jonathan Box

Graphics (endframes): Matt Rowley

Online: Fraser Cleland

Executive Producer:  Ian Luxford

Post Producer: Tania De Sousa