UNIT works on the important new Dove campaign ‘Courage Is Beautiful’ honouring Covid-19 medical workers.

The new face of Dove’s real beauty campaign “Courage Is Beautiful” is its most powerful ever.
Working closely with Ogilvy and the Dove brand team, this new 30 second ad was a tight turn around project from agency receiving brief to delivery of the finished ad.
The spot features emotional and striking photos of brave healthcare workers fighting the Coronavirus pandemic. In the video, the faces of the American medical heroes, risking their lives on the frontlines, can be seen showing the physical marks on them caused by non-stop usage of protective gear. As part of the campaign Dove and owner brand Unilever have donated millions of dollars to help with COVID-19 relief through product and food donations.
The UNIT remote working team lead by EP Darryl Bolton, Producer Joanna Papayianni, Flame Artist Ben McIlveen and special support from MCR lead by Richard Evans who all supported Ogilvy to bring this spot to life so quickly. The team carried out a flame grade, conform and titles creation; proudly working to tell the important tale of life on the front line for these nurses.
Another example of how our UNIT remote team can work closely as key collaborators with an agency or brand client to creatively solve all post needs.
Read more on Adage here.
Check out the 30sec film here.